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Reaching out to help

Written by Communications | 12 Apr 2022

“Invaluable”, “humbling” and “important to give back” – a Monadelphous team volunteered at the Perth Homeless Support Group’s Sunday Outreach Service, providing vital support to people experiencing homelessness in Perth. 

219 people experiencing homelessness were provided support on Sunday, 20 March through the provision of fresh and non-perishable foods, toiletries, clothing and other necessities including medical assistance and washing facilities at the Outreach Service run by the Perth Homeless Support Group (PHSG).  

Driving the initiative, General Manager Paul Fishlock said the whole experience was rewarding, and a reminder of the things we sometimes take for granted.  

“To offer my time and assistance, to understand the difficult situations people find themselves in without casting judgement and give back to the community is important to me.  

The fact that 22 Monadelphous employees and their families volunteered and attended the service demonstrates the caring nature of the Monadelphous people, and I am sure all of us got a real insight into the plight of people experiencing homelessness and got a lot out of contributing.  

It was an important learning and reminder of what we can take for granted every day, such as food, clothing and shoes. These things can make such a difference to a person experiencing homelessness – there was a lot of thankful people for the support from PHSG,” said Paul.  

Each week the PHSG provides these vital services to the community in a dignified and respectful manner. Another key component of the service is social interaction, something many people experiencing homelessness lack in their day-to-day lives.  

 “It was costs us approximately $12 per person each Sunday, and with our numbers now climbing each week with over 200 people accessing our outreach services it adds up,” said Jed Fay, Depot Manager at PHSG.  

“Costs keep rising, and now it’s costing $15 per person. We have already seen a demand as well for our emergency hampers now more than ever since we are one of the only not for profits who deliver directly to the client.” 

Overwhelming the team who volunteered at the Sunday Outreach were humbled, found the experience invaluable, felt a sense of pride working together to give back to the community, and all want to continue doing so.  

How can you help? 

If you’re interested in being involved in this initiative or initiative’s like this, let us know by completing the following form.   

PHSG is a not for profit, supported by volunteers and donations. Each week they’re in need of volunteers and donations of non-perishable food items, underwear, socks, blankets, toiletries and animal food – find out more here