On the Wire

Gladstone team score 100% in safety!

Written by Communications | 29 Jul 2022

With safety at the core of everything we do here at Monadelphous, it’s great to see areas achieve 100% on their safety inspections – that’s what recently happened with the Electrical and Instrumentation (E&I) team in Gladstone who achieved 100% on their safety inspection not once, but twice! 

“It’s a credit to the team for achieving this and shows that everyone here puts in a lot of care to safely complete their job, to my knowledge, no other work group on sustaining capital works projects has achieved 100% prior to us,” commended E&I Superintendent David Hill. 

The safety audit involves a full inspection of the work area ensuring compliance to all policies and procedures, these happen weekly in addition to daily inspections. “It speaks volumes of the team’s commitment to safety and what I found even more pleasing was that the audit was followed up with a number of spot checks after by the client to ensure it wasn’t just a one off and each time the same level of safety and compliance was observed.” 

“We aim to complete our work safely every day and having achieved 100% twice on a safety inspection, proves the team have a great safety culture and continue to deliver great results for our customers,” finished David. 

Congratulations to the team for embodying The Safe Way is The Only Way