On the Wire

A message from your E&I leaders, Oct '22

Written by Communications | 31 Oct 2022

Welcome everyone to the October edition of On the Wire. I would like to start this month’s edition from where I left off at the last month, with the discussion around keeping your mind on the job.

Temperatures are rising (except in Mongolia), festivities are starting to roll out and we are seven weeks out from Christmas. As mentioned last month, it is important to manage ourselves and our teammates through this period by keeping our minds on the task at hand, so that we remain incident and injury free. Keep an eye out for each other and any behavioural changes as it could be dehydration, mental health, fatigue, or end of swing anticipation. So, stay sharp and ask the question if you notice any changes.

This month saw the finalists for the Monadelphous Engineering Construction (EC) Safety Innovation Awards line up at the Raffles Hotel in Perth for the announcement of the winner. As it turns out the judges couldn’t split the Mining Minerals and Heavy Lift submissions, with them both being declared joint winners. The E&I Team’s submission, the HV Cable Installation Truck, received an honorary mention – but we’ll have to turn it up a couple of notches to take out next year’s award, so start bringing your ideas to life. I will give a you a hint, “green energy”.

October also saw the 50th celebrations roll into Gladstone. I was lucky enough to attend the Family Fun Day and celebrate with the team and their families. A special shout out to the Maintenance and Industrial Services (M&IS) Gladstone Team and our own EC E&I Gladstone Team who, together, put together a fantastic event which epitomised what some of the Monadelphous values are about. Thanks to Joel, Ange and Kristen for all the effort you went to. For the parents with kids that attended, the three of them are also responsible for the sugar highs/lows your kids experienced.

As the projects have been winding down, the tendering has been ramping up, with several of our key customers looking to expand their operations which, in turn provides a positive outlook and a very busy 2023 and beyond.

I will close out the month by reminding everyone that we are entering Movember. A great initiative to raise money and awareness to “change the face of men’s health”. So, over the course of the next month, get involved by growing a Mo, donating to the participants, becoming a Mo Sista or contributing in any way you can. Not only are you helping a good cause, but you also get to appreciate some fantastic (or embarrassing) styles of Moustacha.

Stay safe and look out for each other.

Iain Hannant