Ramp Up

A message from Doug Macintyre

Written by Communications | 13 Aug 2024

I'm excited to share the latest updates and achievements across the Energy business this month.  

We recently announced that we secured a major long-term maintenance, turnaround, and minor construction services contract with Shell Australia’s Prelude Floating Liquefied Natural Gas (FLNG) facility. This extends our partnership with Shell, which started back in 2015. It's great recognition of our team's consistent, high-quality work. The new contract kicks off in November 2024 and will run for seven years. A huge congratulations to everyone involved in landing this significant extension. 

Our team at Prelude also recently tackled a critical project: installing a composite wrap over a crucial pressure vessel. This was necessary after cracks were discovered during routine inspections, which compromised the vessel's structural integrity. Thanks to the team's swift action, we prevented any potential operational disruptions. 

Over in Darwin, the team was spotted abseiling down the hull of the floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) facility as part of the Fabric Maintenance Campaign. They worked to remove corrosion caused by the harsh marine environment, ensuring the long-term integrity of our facilities. A big shout-out to the HSE, Inspection, Tech Safety, Offshore Operations, Fabric Maintenance, and Implementation teams for safely executing this challenging task. 

It’s great to see our team's dedication to learning and celebrating the culture of our First Nations people.  Recently, our Perth-based Energy team participated in a cultural walkthrough at Karrgatup (Kings Park) part of our Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan commitments. This initiative is key to enhancing our understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, and was great to be involved in. 

We continued our celebrations with various NAIDOC Week activities. Our Darwin-based team did a fantastic job cooking and serving breakfast to thousands of people at the annual Darwin NAIDOC March. You can check out some great photos from the event below and other activities around the business [here]. 

Lastly, I want to congratulate everyone who took part in The Monadelphous “Push-Up” Challenge. Nine teams and 612 people from across the business participated, aiming to complete 3,249 push-ups over 24 days.  Our Monadelphous and Shell team smashed their $1000 goal and raised over $1500. Well done on an amazing effort. 

Once again, thank you all for your hard work and dedication. Enjoy this edition of Ramp Up, and as always, remember to stay safe and look out for one another. 
