Ramp Up

A message from Doug Macintyre, August 23'

Written by Communications | 6 Sep 2023

Welcome to the August edition of Ramp Up. In this edition, you can get to know long-term Monos legend, Matt MacFarlane, meet the newest member of our fleet in Karratha and read about the awesome work of one of our crews replacing a hazardous timber deck and saving the day for our customer.  

Before we get into that, I’m proud to say we had a record year in our Energy business which contributed to a strong 2022/23 financial year and another record revenue for our Maintenance and Industrial Services division. Thank you all for your contribution over the past 12 months, you all play a very important role in our success to date, and as we gear up for another massive year ahead.  

Across the business, we continued to focus on improving health and safety outcomes, and in particular identifying and eliminating fatal risks from our day-to-day operations. This included improving relevant infield risk management tools and rolling out a series of fatal risk awareness campaigns which you may have seen around our sites.  

Although our serious incident frequency rate remains historically low, I want to remind you that we are in a very busy period with major shutdowns taking place in our Energy business over the next few months. With an increased workforce, please continue to look out for yourselves and for your mates and remember The Safe Way is the Only Way 

R U OK? Day is fast approaching on Thursday, 14 September promoting this year’s theme “I’m Here to Hear”. This national awareness day is a good reminder that we need to stay connected and make time to have open and genuine conversations with the people in our lives. Simply listening and giving someone your time might be just what they need to help them through a rough patch. The Health and Wellbeing Team has prepared some useful resources on lending support and I encourage everyone to take this opportunity to build their confidence and skills so we can all make asking ‘R U OK?’ a part of our everyday.  

Enjoy reading and, until next time, please stay safe.   
