Ramp Up

A message from Doug Macintyre, Aug '22

Written by Communications | 31 Aug 2022

Welcome to your August edition of Ramp Up.  

Monadelphous’ results for the 2021/22 financial year were released last week, with the Maintenance and Industrial Services division achieving record revenue. Each of you have had a role to play in these results so I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your contribution to our Oil and Gas business, which continues to form a significant part of the company’s success.  

Also highlighted was the need to improve upon our safety performance across Monadelphous. I encourage you to take personal responsibility in helping us to shift this performance by being mindful, speaking up and keeping The Safe Way is the Only Way at the forefront of your mind in every task you undertake. We will continue to focus on our safety performance as a business, in particular by identifying and addressing trends and events that occur regularly. 

On another note, on Thursday 25 August you would have received a link via email and text to complete the 2022 Monadelphous Employee Survey and share your feedback about working at Monadelphous. It is important that you take the time to complete the survey prior to Sunday 11 September as this is an opportunity for you to have your say and help to guide continuous improvement, making Monadelphous an even better place to work.  

The completely anonymous survey is about gaining a comprehensive view of the experiences of our people, which will in turn help us improve and ensure we continue to achieve our vision of being a truly great company to work for. Most importantly, be assured that your responses are managed anonymously through independent agency Painted Dog Research. If you have not received the link or have any questions please reach out to your Manager or email employeefeedback@monadel.com.au as soon as possible.  

We have talked a lot previously about 2022 being a busy year in terms of shutdown and turnaround activity, which has involved hard work and commitment across our teams, particularly as we worked through the challenges Covid brought. We have had some successful shutdown completions recently which will share with you in this edition and future editions of Ramp Up.  

Also in this edition, hear from Project Engineer Tom Shenton. Tom is part of the team awarded the Maintenance and Industrial Services Teamwork Baton for their excellent work on the Northwest Stormpetrel vessel repairs. It was a good opportunity to meet with the team earlier this month to present the baton and to hear first-hand about their quick thinking in response to what was a very challenging situation.  

Enjoy reading and, until next time, please stay safe,  
