Ramp Up

Happy 5 Years Graham

Written by Communications | 30 Sep 2022

Congratulations to Lead Fabric Maintenance Coordinator Graham Smith who has just celebrated his five-year milestone with Monadelphous.  

Before joining the team, Graham travelled the globe for work, getting a wide range of valuable industry experience under his belt.  

He made his start working as a painter within a shipyard back in the UK. After ten years, he started to get itchy feet and sought out some new opportunities. This led him to work in a shipyard in Dubai, before heading to Hamburg, Germany to work as a Coatings Supervisor. He then decided to go offshore, where he spent many enjoyable years freezing cold in the North Sea. 

By 2014, Graham said he craved some warmer weather which is part of what drew him to Australia, initially working on Wheatstone.  

“Home now is definitely Perth – the lifestyle is second to none, especially with young children and the ability to spend my down time outdoors with them,” he said.  

Reflecting on his time with Monadelphous so far, Graham said that some of the best aspects of his role are the ability to work autonomously and the great team he works with.  

“It’s a great team to be a part of and one that I have always felt is a good fit for me, where everyone’s knowledge is valued and respected,” he said.   

“Within fabric maintenance, I can do what I see is fit in terms of providing solutions– everyone really trusts one another’s expertise. 

“There are also great opportunities for people to develop relationships internally and externally and to grow in their careers – and the work is always interesting and varied. 

“I have had the opportunity to dip my toe in a lot of things, looking after the technical side of coatings, while also going from working on the tools to supervisions to inspections.” 

In recent months, Graham has been mobilising regularly to Pluto as part of a significant scope of work for the customer, which he said is a massive team effort.  

“It is the whole fabric maintenance team working hard to deliver to the highest standards, even with the challenges that come our way – it’s the scaffolders, the general service officers, the painters and the support network,” he said. 

Congratulations on five years Graham and cheers to many more!