Ramp Up

A message from Doug Macintyre, Feb '22

Written by Communications | 17 Feb 2022

Welcome to the first edition of Ramp Up for 2022.

For those who had the opportunity to have some time off over the festive period, I hope you all had a relaxing time and managed to recharge the batteries. It has been a busy start to the year, and in a blink of an eye we are already in February.

The start of our year has been largely dominated by COVID and navigating the changing requirements and protocols from the Government. As a business, the best we can do is prepare ourselves to ensure business continuity in the event of a large outbreak, and we have been doing just that with the Oil and Gas Leadership Team meeting regularly to review our people, business, and client risks.

I understand some of you may have some uncertainty during this time and I encourage you all to look out for one another. I will be continuing to update you when I can on the way forward for the Oil and Gas business. In the interim, if you do have any questions or concerns, please speak with your Supervisor or Line Manager.

Despite the challenges of COVID, we must continue to press forward, and I am excited for the big year we have ahead of us in what I like to call the ‘year of the shutdowns.’ We are going to need more than 500 additional resources to ensure we can continue to deliver what we promise on three major shutdowns. This is positive news for our casual labour workforce who have a guaranteed continuity of work for a large part of the year. Our challenge will be securing the necessary skilled labour hire in a tight market, but I am confident we can achieve this, and planning is already underway with the necessary recruitment teams.

You can help by referring your skilled mates to us and earning yourself $1,000 in the process. If you know someone who is qualified within Fabric Maintenance, specifically Blaster/Painters and UHP operators, then please email their resume through to oagreferrals@monadel.com.au.

Now onto this edition of Ramp Up. We hear how our team on Goodwyn Alpha took part in a world first trial of Passive Fire Protection, we profile Fabric Maintenance Supervisor Zak O’hAilpin, hear an important safety share from Service Technician Colin Leuzzi and highlight how you can save with the latest staff benefits.

Until next time, please stay safe.
