The Fix

A flex for finger and hand safety

Written by Communications | 28 Jul 2023

Hand and finger safety has been a big focus across the business this year, and an innovation out of our Coastal and West Pilbara Fixed Plant Maintenance team has gone a long way to reduce injuries in the maintenance of the 5E Conveyor System. 

Running almost 3.5km long at the Rio Tinto Port Operations near Dampier, this conveyor is located on East Intercourse Island and consists of over 10,000 individual idlers. All idlers on this belt are scheduled to be changed from heavy steel to light-weight composite polycarbonate idlers to reduce noise omission and lessen the environmental impact on the township of Dampier. 

Due to their age and condition, the frames can be inconsistent sizes and need to be manipulated for the new idlers to slot into place. Previously, this was done manually using levers and crowbars, leading to an increased risk of hand and finger injuries. 

Our team took up the challenge to find a better solution whereby they could perform the replacement without any hands being close to the idler, and so was born the ‘Frame-Flexer’. 

This simple but effective tool uses a turn buckle to easily move the frame in and out, letting the idler drop into place without touching it, or be gently lifted from the frame when removing. A clip on the bottom and a grub screw at the side of the frame-flexer ensures it fits securely onto the frame without the need to lock it in place, making it quick and easy to apply.  

Check out the video below to see it in action.  


Easily replicable, the frame-flexer has been integrated into idler replacement across the site, improving efficiency and reducing the potential of hand and finger injuries throughout this process. 

A big shout out to the Coastal and West Pilbara Fixed Plant Maintenance team for this simple and practical safety innovation. Keep up the great work. 

Inspiration for innovation 

Looking for ways to innovate our everyday operations is something that can help make our jobs easier, safer and more efficient – every idea, whether it’s big or small, is welcome in our business.   

We encourage you to share your ideas via MProve by emailing our innovation team or by speaking to your supervisor.