The Fix

A message from Nick Raffan, Jun '22

Written by Communications | 28 Jun 2022

Welcome to June’s edition of The Fix.  

The first half of 2022 was a challenging time for many, which is why it is more important than ever that we take the time to recognise our people and celebrate those who are going above and beyond. Last year we launched Mono’s Moment, our Mining and Minerals North-West Region rewards and recognition program, designed to do exactly that. It helps to ensure we give our team members the acknowledgement they deserve and it was great to see people taking the time to nominate and give others this recognition.  

This program runs throughout the year so I encourage you to keep looking out for a “Mono’s Moment” and take two minutes to nominate a team mate. You can put forward an individual or a team for their efforts at work or even outside of work, no matter how big or small.  The only criteria for nominations is that they are linked to one or more of our values: Teamwork, Integrity, Safety and Wellbeing, Achievement​. 

A significant recent achievement to share in this newsletter is the delivery of a collaborative project by our team in Port Hedland, together with our Engineering Construction team – the Port Availability Improvement Project (PAIP). PAIP was one of the biggest contracts held by Mining and Minerals North-West Region and it was successfully completed through the integration and outstanding work of our teams. 

The project was focused on improving the availability of iron ore through existing processing facilities in Port Hedland and is a great example of working together to provide the capabilities needed for our customer. Importantly, this builds on our strong reputation as a business as well as the long-standing relationships we have with our customers. 

Read more about PAIP in this edition of The Fix, meet one of our long-term employees Fred Paul and see how we are supporting the popular FeNaClNG Festival in Karratha.    

Until next time, stay safe.  
