The Fix

A message from Nick Raffan, Aug '22

Written by Communications | 30 Aug 2022

Last week the Monadelphous 2021/22 results were released and showed a strong financial performance including record revenue for the Maintenance and Industrial Services division. Our commitment to delivering for our customers in the north-west and the hard work of our teams to secure new contracts play a significant role in this ongoing success.

Recently the Mining and Minerals North West Region Senior Leadership Group met to reflect on our performance as a business over the last twelve months and to discuss our strategic plan for the 2022/23 year. This was an opportunity to look back at the progress we made in achieving our objectives last year and reflect on the areas we need to focus on and continue to improve on.  

A key area for improvement is safety, as a core value and integral to all that we do.  Reflecting on our safety performance in the last financial year, including a TRIFR well above our target, it is clear that we are not where we should be and need to do better. Back in April we launched our re-commitment to safety to help address these concerns and have seen some improvement, however this remains a crucial area of focus for us in the year ahead. I know that, across our teams, we all genuinely care for each other so am confident that we will achieve improvement by everyone doing the right thing, speaking up, being mindful and getting involved. I urge each of you to think about what you can do personally to address this and always remember The Safe Way is the Only Way. 

On another note, last week on Thursday 25 August you would’ve received an email asking you to complete the 2022 Monadelphous Employee Survey. Please take the time to do this as your perspective and personal experiences are very valuable in helping us understand the big picture on what it is like to work at Monadelphous. I want to assure you that your responses are completely anonymous, so this is an opportunity to provide honest feedback and have your say.  

Please complete the survey prior to Sunday, 11 September and, if you have any questions about the survey or do not receive the link via email or text message, please send an email to or reach out to your Manager. 

Inside The Fix this month, learn more about our work at Marandoo and Dampier, read about our support of the Port Hedland Reds and take a minute to let us know what community groups or causes you would like to see us support in future.  

Enjoy reading this edition and please keep safe and well.  
