The Fix

A message from Nick Raffan, Sep '22

Written by Communications | 28 Sep 2022

Welcome to the latest edition of The Fix, which features some of the highlights from September – a busy month across the business.  

This month we announced that we were awarded a three-year contract with Fortescue Metals Group and have been appointed to a panel providing non-process infrastructure services across their Pilbara operations. Additionally, we have also been awarded further contracts with Roy Hill, BHP and Rio Tinto. These awards are not only a testament to the strong relationships we have maintained with our customers and the quality of work we have delivered, but they also highlight the great progress we are making to achieve our actions as part of this year’s 2022/23 strategy. Our long-term success will always rely on the reputation we earn from our customers through delivering what we promise so thankyou to everyone involved in securing these new contracts.

We also officially opened our new facility in Port Hedland, bringing together local customers and suppliers to celebrate our proud history and growth in the region. Forming part of our long-term commitment to the Pilbara the opening of this facility along with our recent Tom Price facility upgrade, the development of our new Gap Ridge facility in Karratha on the horizon and our existing Newman premises has put us in a good position to better support our customers in these key operating regions for many years to come. You can read more about this in this edition of The Fix. 

Strong leadership is critical to our ongoing performance and reputation, which is why giving our Supervisors and field leadership team opportunities for further development and learning is so important to me.  You may recall a few months ago we launched our Supervisor Passport program, specifically designed to provide these learning opportunities. Well done to Senior Supervisor Mark Dodson who recently became the first to complete the program. You can read more about this in this edition of The Fix.  

Also in this edition, you’ll learn more about some of the traineeships and apprenticeships initiatives we offer which aims to provide upskilling and career pathway opportunities through a variety of positions across all areas of our operations. 

You can also read about R U OK? Day across Monadelphous and how you can make a difference just by starting a conversation – no qualifications needed.  

Until next time, please keep yourself and others safe.   
