The Fix

A message from Nick Raffan, May '22

Written by Communications | 6 May 2022

Welcome to May’s edition of The Fix.  

As we navigate our way through the challenges that COVID brings, I want to take a moment to thank everyone for their continued support in helping to ensure we keep our people and communities safe.  

Safety is our number one priority and there is always room for improvement in lifting our standards and reducing incidents. I encourage each and every one of you to look out for one another and speak up if you see unsafe acts. I care for every person that works across our business and I want you all to go home to your family and friends safe and healthy.

As you are aware, this year also marks the 50th anniversary of Monadelphous so over the coming months you will see or be involved with celebrations to mark this important milestone. Every one of you has played an integral part in continuing to deliver solutions to meet our customer’s needs and uphold the strong reputation we have built over these years and decades.  

Maintaining strong customer relationships in our key regions of operation is key to achieving 50 years of success. This year we have been continuing to secure ongoing contracts and grow our footprint within these regions. We are also investing in significant new facilities to support our commitment to long-term growth including in Tom Price, Karratha and a new workshop in Port Hedland.  

In April I attended the Open Day in Tom Price to celebrate the opening of our new facility, which provides a new and improved base for the team. This was a fantastic opportunity to acknowledge, in person, the team’s hard work and dedication to delivering quality outcomes for our customers, which is what ultimately underpins our success and growth. Congratulations to the Tom Price team on the opening of this facility.  

Strong, supportive leadership is also key to better outcomes for customers which is why I am particularly passionate about investing in and developing our people. This is what the Supervisor Passport Program for our Mining and Minerals North West Region is all about, designed to support the skills development of our supervisor group, with champions to mentor and provide guidance through the program. It is exciting to see this program now rolling out and I am looking forward to seeing the benefits it brings, not only to the supervisor group but also to the wider business.  

As part of our annual strategic planning process, we have also taken the opportunity to review the structure of our Mining and Minerals North West business to ensure we are best placed to achieve our strategy, which is centred around People, Performance and Reputation, particularly as we head into a very busy 2023 financial year.  

As a result of the review, we are implementing some structural changes to our standalone Civil & Infrastructure (C&I) function, which will be absorbed by our East Pilbara and Tom Price project teams, ensuring we are best able to service our customers in the region by providing a more simplified and consistent approach. This will also ensure there is a closer link between individual projects and our local branches and will provide a broader range of development opportunities for our people. This transition will occur over coming months, following the completion of current projects.  

I believe the changes we are making will help us to continue to deliver efficiently and effectively to our customers, as well as supporting the future growth of our business. If you have any questions, I encourage you to speak to your manager.  

Now, onto this edition of the Fix – read more about our 50 year celebrations, meet long term employee Bruce Ewen, find out more about our Tom Price Open Day and the upcoming new Karratha facility and find out how to take advantage of our employee benefits.  

Until next time, stay safe.  
