The Fix

Lifting smarter, not harder

Written by Communications | 23 Oct 2023

Installing 64 beams in the underside of a pipe bridge, each weighing in at over 120kgs, is no easy task but for our team in the Pilbara, that’s just another day on the job.  

After identifying a series of risks where Monadelphous personnel were required to handle a suspended load, Construction Manager, Stephen Black, and Senior Supervisor, Daniel Carlberg, revaluated and revised the installation method to include a bespoke lifting beam.  

With The Safe Way is the Only Way front of mind, they wanted a lifting beam design that eliminated the need to place any hands on the load. From a basic concept sketch, they worked with a designer and fabricator to design, engineer, produce and certify a lifting beam with magnetic push/pull sticks and handles to enable the hands-off lifting approach. 

Integrating this innovative lifting beam achieved great outcomes in safety and productivity, reducing installation time from four hours down to one and enabling reduced costs and overall delivery time on the entire project. More importantly, it eliminated the need for any personnel to be in the line of fire at any time while installing the beam, as well as potential pinch points between the beam and pipe bridge.  

This impressive innovation will ensure we continue to deliver on what we promise and puts our people and their safety first. Amazing work!