The Fix

Natasha’s a Northern Star

Written by Communications | 1 Feb 2023

Natasha DiSilvio from our Workforce Management team is the inaugural recipient of the Northern Star Achievement Award, receiving recognition for her resilience, problem solving skills and commitment.  

The Northern Star Achievement Award was launched in late 2022 to recognise sustained and exceptional performance in the key areas of People, Performance and Reputation within the Mining and Mineras North West Region.  

Natasha was selected for taking extra initiative in her role as a Mobilisation Coordinator for the Roy Hill Project.  In dealing with the mobilisation process for a new customer and overcoming challenges with securing customer supplied flights and accommodation, Natasha stepped up and demonstrated the Northern Star attributes.  

She ensured that there was no delay in mobilising our project crews to site by maintaining open and positive communication with the customer’s project manager and working together to achieve the common goal for the project. 

Natasha’s initiative and extra efforts avoided further challenges and delays that could have come about. 

Nominees of the Northern Star Achievement Award are measured against the following attributes: 

  • Are energetic and enthusiastic about what they do. Their actions speak louder than their words (People) 
  • Are constantly looking for better, more efficient and effective ways of doing business, learning from events good or bad (Performance) 
  • Go beyond the expected norms, seek to exceed set targets and goals (Performance) 
  • Seeks solutions, to learn and to continually improve (Reputation) 
  • Display determination and tenacity when encountering obstacles and persist in overcoming them. They never give up. (Reputation) 

Congratulations to Natasha for the highly deserved recognition and well done to all nominees, including Luke Oosthuizen, Noel Byrne, Stephen Cunnold, Mark Fitzgerald, Shayla Stevenson, Nathaniel Hale, Michael Scibilia, Kishan Morar, Alvin Chui, and Annika Clarke. 

To nominate a team member based on the criteria above, click here.