The Fix

People of Port Hedland – Meet Craig

Written by Communications | 31 May 2023

Craig Turner’s journey with Monadelphous began over five years ago and during this time, he has not only made an impact on the Port Hedland crew but the local community as well.  

Club President of the Hedland Reds Football Club, Craig is a mentor first and a coach second. Outside of work, Craig is committed to working with the kids in the local area to help them upskill for both their future careers and sporting ambitions.   

“Further to my role as Construction Manager at Monos, I am also highly engaged in the community as it’s something I’m really passionate about,” he said.  

Craig said that the Club provides the players with a sense of responsibility, expectations and direction, which equips young players with the skills they need to succeed in the workforce, as well as on the field. 

“The team is 80% indigenous, so we have also established partnerships with local Aboriginal community groups to help upskill them and get them work-ready.” 

Craig has paved the way for Monadelphous to become a major sponsor of the Hedland Reds, and also encourages the Port Hedland team to help out and volunteer when possible.  

“Sponsorship from Monadelphous is extremely important, and without it, we couldn’t operate. We travel far to get around, and we need many resources to facilitate just getting to games. Without the sponsorship, we wouldn’t be able to provide the kids in our community with the opportunity to play in the district,” he said. 

Craig has future plans to develop all-girls youth and junior teams to represent the Pilbara region, which he hopes will give them a sense of pride and an opportunity to do something different.  

“Currently, there is no female team, but we have run programs for the girls to gauge interest, and there was a lot of it.” 

Monadelphous takes great pride in our association with the Hedland Reds Football Club, which not only enables us to support our employees but also empowers our people to contribute towards the success of the local community.