The Fix

Supervisor Passport to success

Written by Communications | 28 Sep 2022

A few months ago, we launched the Supervisor Passport program as a tool to further strengthen the knowledge of our field leadership team within the Mining and Minerals North West Region.  The program includes 51 courses with champions and mentors to provide guidance throughout.  

Recently Mark Dodson became the first Supervisor to complete the program. 

Mark started with Monadelphous in 2018 as a Supervisor, after finishing work on a contract in Darwin. He is currently working as a Senior Supervisor with our Port Hedland Operations team, which involves overseeing the blaster painters on shutdown jobs.  

Due to his level of experience and capability, Mark was eligible for recognition of prior learning for most of the courses within the Passport program, however he chose to complete the full program to refresh his knowledge and learn something new. 

Mark said that, although he could have been signed off sooner with his prior learning, he found the program too interesting and knew he could still get a lot out of each of the courses.  

“I wanted to undertake the Passport program as a refresher for myself as there were many areas I didn’t have experience in within Monadelphous so it was great to be able to go through all of the courses,” he said.  

“I had already worked alongside my champion, Reece Sawyer for a few years at this point so it was easy to discuss with him any areas of concern and relate real activities undertaken onsite to areas applicable in the program.” 

Reece Sawyer said that Mark is an experienced and valuable Supervisor whose commitment to furthering his own knowledge is commendable.  

“Mark has been with the Port Hedland Operations team for four years and has a strong commitment to his jobs as well as developing himself which he showed in his undertaking of the Supervisor Passport,” he said.  

“He was extremely appreciative of the support that he had within the team while completing the program and it’s great to hear him talk about what he learnt.” 

As a core crew supervisor at Port Hedland, the program was an ideal opportunity for Mark and a great achievement for him to be the first person completed and be signed off.   

Want to know more about the Supervisor Passport program? Watch the video below: