The Fix

What do we do in Dampier?

Written by Communications | 30 Aug 2022

Monadelphous has been in Dampier for over 10 years and has been working on the current Fixed Plant Contract since 2017.  

Our 40-person strong team in Dampier carry out fixed plant port asset maintenance with mechanical, scaffolding and conveyor idler management. A lesser known fact is that the idler team changes out over 10,000 idlers each year.  

Superintendent Rob Edwards said that the team enjoy the unique Pilbara lifestyle and are heavily involved in their community.  

“Maintenance may not always be glorious, but it is consistent, reliable and important work and there will always be a need for it,” he said.  

“Being a local team, many good friendships have formed over the years, making Dampier an even greater place to work and live. 

“The team in Dampier work very family friendly rosters so are able to take advantage of everything the region has to offer.” 

The team also regularly provide scaffold services for different community events, from stages for presentations at fishing competitions to a maze built out of scaffold that was much loved and enjoyed by the kids at a local family event. 

Rob said that one of the highlights of working in Dampier is helping young team members through their career progression.  

“Supporting our young team members to upskill from trade assistants all the way through to advanced scaffolders and riggers is really rewarding to see and be a part of,” he said.  

“The team are fantastic to work with and have recently reached six months injury and incident free – a great result.” 

Rob said that one of the greatest things about living and working locally is the awesome ocean views. 

“With virtually everywhere on site overlooking the beautiful islands of the Dampier Archipelago, it’s really the ideal place to work,” he said.