The Insider

A walk of art

Written by Communications | 7 Feb 2023

Australia is home to some of the oldest continuing living cultures in the world and here at Monadelphous, we’re proud to proactively enhance our knowledge and understanding of Australia’s diverse Indigenous history.

Early in December, a group of 14 Brisbane-based team members embarked on a cultural walking tour around Kurilpa Point in South Brisbane, exploring one of the richest and most exciting collections of Aboriginal public artworks in the city.

With support from our local content team in Perth, members of our Brisbane-based Diversity and Inclusion working group collaborated with The Black Card, a local Indigenous cultural capability organisation that strives to enable people and organisations to work effectively with members of the Aboriginal community. 

Guided by Cassy from The Black Card, the group ventured through various parts of Kurilpa Point; within the State Library of Queensland, around the Gallery of Modern Art and along Maiwar (Brisbane River). Stopping every few minutes to learn about the cultural significance and rich history of various sites and pieces of art, the group were treated to an immersive and perspective-shifting experience over the course of the 90-minute tour.

Reflecting on his experience, Henry Zhong from our Recruitment Support team said, “this was a very informative and engaging experience – I thoroughly enjoyed the tour and learned so much about Brisbane’s Indigenous history and experiences through art.”

Endorsed and supported by our Eastern Region’s senior leadership team and opened to all Brisbane-based team members to participate, it’s clear that this was a positive, informative and eye-opening experience for all involved.

“I’ve lived in Queensland for most of my life and learned things about our Traditional Owners from Cassy that I was not aware of. It’s great to see Monadelphous’s commitments under our Stretch RAP come to life, raising awareness of the rich Indigenous culture and history that surrounds us each and every day.” – Chris Tabrett, General Manager of Growth and Strategy.