The Pipeline

Get more out of 2024 - Healthy habits

Written by Communications | 17 Apr 2024

This month in our Wellbeing Series, we’re looking at healthy habits and how behaviours around food, sleep and physical activity can make a big impact on wellbeing.

In this episode, you’ll hear about some common lifestyle habits that could be having a negative effect on your mood, productivity, sense of self and your relationships.

We all know sleep, exercise and good nutrition are important, but did you know that they are all intrinsically linked? Building a healthy habit in one area can help get you on track to improve in all three. For example, maintaining good nutrition not only boosts mood and concentration, but also reduces depression and anxiety, encouraging increased energy levels and activity and improved sleep.

Watch the Healthy Habits episode to find simple ways to switch up your routine that can help get you get out of a mental rut and generally improve your overall happiness.


Try some healthy habits today:

  • 10, 20, 30 Daily Challenge: 10 fruits and veggies, 20 minutes exercise, 30 minutes earlier to bed, or no screens for 30 minutes before sleep.
  • Prioritize nutrition every day.
  • Practice flexibility through stretching and movement routines.
  • Stay hydrated – make a conscious effort to drink more water daily.
  • Build time for moments of reflection into your daily routine.
  • Set a nighttime routine and stick to it.

If you have any questions or want to know more about the Resilience Project program, contact the Health and Wellbeing Program.