On the Wire

Where a passion for travel and work meets

Written by Communications | 27 Apr 2023

After working for Monadelphous for over 4 years, Clyde Pereira, HSE Lead had the opportunity to visit our operations in Mongolia.  

He has never quite been to a site like this before, but quickly found that despite being miles away from home, there was lots of similarities in the team and culture. 

Clyde shares a snapshot of his experience and happy snaps from his trip below.   

It was a unique experience that allowed me to combine my passion for travel and work. I was impressed by the dedication of the project team in creating such a positive safety culture on site.  

It was clear to me that effective communication and an understanding of the cultural context, particularly in a cross-cultural setting is essential in managing a motivated workforce with a high level of safety, productivity, and integrity. 

Mongolia is a beautiful country with a rich culture and history that presents so many unique challenges including the -30⁰C temperatures, which is such a contrast to the climates we face in the height of the Pilbara summer.  

The trip has taught me a lot about the country, its people, and the crossover of communication, culture, and safety – I hope to be back soon.