Where a passion for travel and work meets

People Mongolia
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After working for Monadelphous for over 4 years, Clyde Pereira, HSE Lead had the opportunity to visit our operations in Mongolia.  

He has never quite been to a site like this before, but quickly found that despite being miles away from home, there was lots of similarities in the team and culture. 

Clyde shares a snapshot of his experience and happy snaps from his trip below.   

It was a unique experience that allowed me to combine my passion for travel and work. I was impressed by the dedication of the project team in creating such a positive safety culture on site.  

It was clear to me that effective communication and an understanding of the cultural context, particularly in a cross-cultural setting is essential in managing a motivated workforce with a high level of safety, productivity, and integrity. 

Mongolia is a beautiful country with a rich culture and history that presents so many unique challenges including the -30⁰C temperatures, which is such a contrast to the climates we face in the height of the Pilbara summer.  

The trip has taught me a lot about the country, its people, and the crossover of communication, culture, and safety – I hope to be back soon.

The lifting crew on site taking the opportunity for a quick photo shoot.

The lifting crew on site taking the opportunity for a quick photo shoot.

Sükhbaatar Square, UB

Sükhbaatar Square, UB

The HSE 'A team'
The HSE 'A team'
100 hour injury and incident free celebrations

100 hour injury and incident free celebrations

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