Ramp Up

A message from Doug Macintyre, June '23

Written by Communications | 30 Jun 2023

Welcome to another edition of Ramp Up, bringing you the latest news from around our business. I’m pleased to begin by sharing the news that our Maintenance and Industrial Services business unit, which is currently known as ‘Oil and Gas', will now be known as ‘Energy’. Following an internal review and consultation with our key customers, the decision has been made to transition to Energy to ensure we can continue to diversify and grow our capabilities in an evolving market. 

This week, we celebrate NAIDOC Week (2 – 9 July 2023) with a range of exciting and thought-provoking activities taking place across our business. Each of us has a role to play in our ongoing commitment to reconciliation, so I hope you find an opportunity to bring your team together to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.  

In this edition of Ramp Up, we take a look at how our team is progressing our work on the Northern Endeavour FPSO, our first ever decommissioning project. Phase 1 is well underway, involving the care and maintenance of the non-operating vessel and preparing for disconnection of the vessel from subsea equipment. It’s fantastic to hear our team is not only making great progress but receiving positive feedback from our customer along the way – well done.  

I want to take this opportunity to congratulate our Commercial and Contracts Manager, Ross Middenway, on his 25-year anniversary at Monadelphous this week. Ross started out as a graduate project engineer back in 1998 and has played a pivotal role in the delivery of many successful projects throughout his time. Thank you for your ongoing contribution to our team and the wider business, Ross.  

Onto another milestone now, our rope access team recently reached a significant milestone, ticking over one million hours worked on ropes across the division since 2016. We started out with just six technicians, and today, we have over 200 skilled people working in our Energy team alone. Read more about our significant growth in this area here.  

You may have noticed this edition of Ramp Up looks a little different. We have taken on board your feedback and upgraded our newsletter website, meaning you can now keep up-to-date with news from our business, easily access our range of employee benefits and check out Monadelphous’ latest job opportunities. If you’re keen to hear what’s happening in other areas of Monadelphous, you can subscribe to their newsletters, so they’re delivered straight to your inbox. This can be managed at the bottom of this email, just click on manage preferences. 

Until next time, please stay safe and well.   
