A message from your E&I leaders, October '23

Leadership Updates
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I’m excited that we can finally talk about some of the big contract wins I have been alluding to over the last few months. Check out the wrap-up of all the contracts in this edition.  It has been a huge effort to get to this point, so congratulations to all the teams working hard to secure these awards. You can feel the momentum that has been established with our project teams and it’s now in their hands to deliver these projects safely and successfully.  

This month we welcomed the Melchor Contracting team into the Monadelphous family. We’re excited to add civil construction to our service offering.  Alongside our electrical capability, this puts us in a good position for the upcoming wave of energy projects. I hope you each take it upon yourself to get familiar with their capability and to connect with the team at the right time.  

We recently announced the winners of our 2023 EC Innovation Awards. Congratulations to individuals involved in the winning innovation and runners up. This year we pulled together videos on each of the finalists - you can watch here. I hope this will spark some of your creative thinking, and I would love to see one of our teams take out the number one spot next year! Be sure to log all ideas into MProve.  

Over to Mongolia, the team have made some impressive progress on the project in the last month. Despite a few challenges, the team is solution focused and finding ways forward. They are now in good stead for a successful back half of the project. 

There are a couple of opportunities still in the pipeline that I’m looking forward to sharing with you, particularly in the standalone electrical and instrumentation space. We aim to continue to build our profile as a leading electrical contractor. As we are now into the last few months of the year, I think we’ve set ourselves up for a strong finish for 2023 and successful start to 2024.  

Before I sign off and hand over to our Operations Manager, Hanno, with an update on what’s happening on the ground, I would like to remind everyone to continue to look out for yourself and your mates - keep prioritising safety and wellbeing, especially as we move into a busy few months.  

Thanks for your dedication,  

Damien Johnson

Operational update from Operations Manager, Iain Hannant

As Damien alluded to, the projects are coming to fruition and the team is starting to grow with the onboarding of several staff and supervision roles whilst the trade requirements are also starting to ramp up. February through to May is going to prove to be the critical period to find the ever-elusive electricians. 

Whilst we are talking recruitment, I am happy to share that we have finalised our new first year apprentices who will start next February. In total we have engaged four first years, and taken on four other apprentices who have started their apprenticeship elsewhere but due to external factors like covid they had their apprenticeship paused. It was a great result after the team put close to 800 applicants through their paces. A big thank you to the team involved, which included Peter Deering, Kassie Oliver and Nat Quici. 

At the moment we have few projects up and running for our team including TUL, CD3, Christmas Creek and Kathleen Valley. All are in their infancy but will ramp up very quickly when the schedules call for them. The Gladstone Team continues to keep our core customers happy whilst working towards engaging with some new ones as well. 

Finally, next month will see the start of this year’s vacation students where we have Kyle and Katie joining us for the summer period. Both have been allocated to projects once they finish off their stint in Perth Office. Please make them feel welcome along with all the other vacation students from around the business.  

That’s all for this month, stay safe and look out for each other. 

Iain Hannat


Damien Johnson and Iain Hannant - Sign off v2


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