A message from your E&I leaders, Apr '23

Leadership Updates
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Another month, another edition of our newsletter which is designed to keep you informed on the activity across our business.  

As some of our current projects enter the demobilisation phase, it’s natural for us to start thinking about what is next. I can understand the personal uncertainty that this may bring but please look after yourself and your fellow teammates. I encourage you all to continue to keep your mind on the task at hand and continue to deliver work safely. You can do so knowing that our teams are working hard in the background on both tendering and redeployment opportunities.  

As I alluded to in my last update, tendering activity continues to be in full swing. We’re currently reaching the pointy end of several opportunities, which I’m excited to share with you in the coming months.  

What I can say at this stage is we will be able to offer a diverse mix of work with both standalone and integrated projects. We’re also playing in multiple markets including oil and gas, iron ore, lithium, and rare earths. I’m confident that the pipeline of work we have will keep our people busy for the next twelve months and beyond.  

Across to Mongolia, I can report that the project has well and truly gained some momentum. As the weather starts to cool here, over in Mongolia it has started to warm up, there has also been heightened winds during this time which can create some challenges, but the team are working hard to mitigate the impacts.  

In this edition of On the Wire, we hear about HSE Lead Clyde Pereira’s experience in Mongolia – I also have another trip to planned in late May and I look forward to catching up with the team then.  

We welcome back Hanno from his leave – I’m sure he is refreshed and ready to give you an overview on what is happening across our operations. 

Operational update from Operations Manager, Iain Hannant

Welcome everyone to the April edition of On the Wire. Hopefully everyone had a wonderful Easter break and got some downtime with their family. To those who were rostered on site thank you for your efforts to keep the project wheels turning during this period.

The season has noticeably changed, and we are a step closer to winter, aka, the dreaded flu season. It is a timely reminder for us all to keep on top of our hygiene practices and other preventative measures. If you have any symptoms, get tested and stay at home to avoid transmission to your team mates.

On the project front, the team at Iron Bridge in the Pilbara, have commenced ramping down after hitting all their first ore targets to the delight of FMG. It’s a credit to the team who kept grinding away. With first ore under their belt, they now need to work on closing the remaining items by finishing strong and safely.

Down to Bridgetown, Western Australia, where the E&I team are almost at peak on the MSA project. The big push is on now to completed and start handing over facilities to the client safely. The seasonal change has definitely kicked in down there which is another challenge they have in front of them.

Over to Gladstone, Queensland, where the team is very close to completion on the North Decant Project and starting the transition onto Stage 2 Alpha HPA. The success of Stage 1 and the relationships formed have led to Joel and his team being preferred contractor to execute the works. There are quite few other opportunities bubbling at the moment where we are in a good position to be involved.

There are plenty of opportunities that have been worked on for some time in the tendering department that are very close to award, so watch this space as I have a gut feeling we are just about to see the next bow wave of major projects kick off.

Stay safe

Iain Hannant

Damien Johnson and Iain Hannant - Sign off v2

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