Tank refurbishments

Projects WA Pilbara Woodside
1 Minute Read

Over a five-week period, one of our teams worked tirelessly to complete refurbishments for our customer’s T2104B Lean MEG Tank and T4501 Service Water Tank.  

This was a particularly challenging task at times, with some setbacks along the way and the wet weather adding to this to keep the team on their feet.  At one stage, T2104B was a week behind schedule as a result of third-party delays and weld / mechanical repairs.  For T4501, the scope of work grew significantly from minor touch-up repairs of the floor to a full blast and re-coat of the floor as well as two metres up the wall.  

Lead Fabric Maintenance Coordinator Graham Smith said that both tanks were returned to the customer in line with their original schedules, despite these setbacks, which was a significant achievement. 

“Kudos to the whole team involved over the five weeks,” Graham said.  

“To be able to hand both tanks back to the customer in line with their original schedules is testament to the hard work and know-how of all personnel associated with the project.” 

Well done to the crews who went above and beyond to deliver this important project safely and successfully to completion.

Tank refurbishment

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