The Heavy Lift team are used to thinking outside the box and the recent module movements at Iron Bridge has been no different. In addition to the logistical challenges of the trailer length, the team are navigating the added complexity of powerlines.
The team worked closely with our customer Fortescue Metals Group and NMT Global Project Logistics to understand how the move could be completed safely, following the energization of the powerlines and a permit being required.
Transport Superintendent Lindsay Marley said the team worked closely with Fortescue and NMT on all planning stages to execute this move.
“We went through every detail from the engineering drawings, to the timing of when we would be passing under the powerlines, to the measurement of the loaded module to ensure sufficient clearance,” he said.
“Navigating powerlines in the best of conditions is difficult, however add in the climate of the Pilbara and you’re dealing with powerlines sagging from the heat, resulting in a different height that you can pass under safely.
“To put it in perspective, within an hour the powerlines sagged about 400 millimeters due to the heat – we had taken that into consideration during the planning stages and plan to get most of the moves done early in the morning while it’s a bit cooler.
“We want to optimise the amount of time we have to be able to safely go under the powerlines and get as many modules moved as we can.
“This is why we have been getting an early start and, so far, have successfully moved 13 modules under the powerlines, with about 18 still to go.
“We have minimised the amount of people who are present during the move however there has been a number of people involved throughout the planning to ensure it’s a smooth process.
“In addition to the powerline moves, we’ve already transported 710 modules during this project that weren’t impacted by powerlines and have a further 70 to go, so it’s been a big project for the team.
“In saying that, I’m proud of how the team have approached the challenge, it will be a great achievement when it is finished.”
Well done team, we look forward to hearing how the rest of the project goes.

Pictured: One of the modules in transit and subsequently passing under the powerlines.
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