CGP3 Commitment to Mental Health

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The Wellbeing Supporter program kicked off on the Christmas Creek project in January. Following this successful roll out, CGP3 have kicked off the program, training their nominated Wellbeing Supporters in mental health first aid.  

This nationally accredited mental health first aid course, conducted onsite by the Happiness Co., is not just a theoretical exercise. It equips participants with the practical skills, knowledge, and confidence required to identify, connect with, support and encourage action by individuals who may be struggling.  

Our Wellbeing Supporters have been provided with Mental Health PPE shirts, not just as a symbol, but as a tool to promote conversations around mental health and wellbeing. These shirts help to identify those who are trained and available to talk to for individuals facing mental health issues, fostering an environment of openness and support. 

CGP3 Project Manager Mark Cox said he is in full support of mental health awareness. 

 “We fully support any initiative around combatting mental health issues on site. Knowing we have accredited personnel ready and willing within our teams to have these conversations (if required), will only enhance and promote that ‘it’s OK not to be OK,’ and to speak to someone about it,” Mark said.  

HSE Lead at CGP3, Wade Machar, added that conversations about mental health and wellbeing need to be openly accepted.  

 “In our industry the conversation around mental health and wellbeing need to be openly accepted and addressed, especially on the projects,” Wade said. 

“Having this training rolled out to both the workers and management allows us to reach a far greater number of people who may need help in some way.” 

The Wellbeing Supporter program is being rolled out across all EC operations and it is exciting to see the momentum this program is building. 

Around the Sites June2
Around the Sites June
Around the Sites June3
Around the Sites June4


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