A message from Doug Macintyre, Nov '22

Leadership Updates
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Welcome to your November edition of Ramp Up, featuring some of the latest news and highlights from around the Oil and Gas business.  

Over the past month, we held our Health, Safety and Environment Representatives (HSERs) forums, which were well attended and highly informative with a great range of speakers and topics covered, including safety leadership, HSE performance and mental health and wellbeing.  

HSERs play a vital role within our business, representing our team members in health and safety matters – you can read more about the important role they play in this edition of Ramp Up. Thank you to everyone who attended the sessions and to all those who give their time to represent their peers – your efforts help to drive and maintain our strong safety culture.  

Also in this edition of Ramp Up, read about the work our team in the Northern Territory have been undertaking at the Port of Gove. The team have been refurbishing ‘dolphins’ which are isolated marine structures used for berthing and mooring at many ports – an important scope of work for our customer. Superintendent working on the dolphins refurbishment project, John Gscheidle, also shares his story in this edition.  

In November, some leadership changes have come into effect at Monadelphous, including Zoran Bebic moving from Executive General Manager of Maintenance & Industrial Services into the Managing Director role and Alastair Reid taking on Zoran’s former position. In this newsletter, you can hear directly from both Zoran and Alastair to get to know more about them.  

For some additional light reading, have a look through a special edition history book included inside this newsletter called “The First Fifty”, which was created as part of Monadelphous’ 50th year anniversary. This is a nostalgic look back through the decades with some great photos from the archives and some facts about the Company’s journey so far – well worth the read! 

Finally, I was pleased to see a range of Monos Moment nominations coming through in October and November, with some highly deserving nominees. It is important to me that we continue to recognise our team members for going above and beyond as I know so many do every day. Please take two minutes to give a teammate some acknowledgement for their efforts. You can nominate someone for a Monos Moment here.  

Happy reading and, as always, please stay safe.  


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