A message from Nick Raffan, January '24

Leadership Updates
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Welcome back to The Fix.  

I hope everyone had a chance to unwind over the festive season. I want to take this opportunity to extend a special thanks to those of you who worked over the Christmas period, helping us to keep our operations running smoothly and safely.  

Across the Mining and Minerals North West Region we wrapped up 2023 with the successful completion of several projects, including work under our maintenance and non-process infrastructure panels agreements with Fortescue.  2024 is shaping up to be another busy year across the business, with plenty of work in the pipeline, and we will be continuing to focus on strengthening our key customer relationships and expanding our service offering to meet our customers’ needs.  

Summer in North West WA brings unique challenges, as our team working on the Fortescue Rock Chutes project recently experienced. When faced with fires on site, the team acted quickly and supported the emergency response. You can read more about their efforts in this newsletter.  

Inside this edition of The Fix, you can also read about Area Manager David Harrington’s career journey. David, or Harro as he is known to many, recently celebrated his 15 year service milestone at Monadelphous. Congratulations David. It is a testament to our culture to have so many of our people across the business who measure their tenure in decades. 

You can also find out more about the Karratha Community Grants Program we launched in 2023, and the 21 community groups in the region who received grants in the inaugural round. The program is part of our commitment to strengthen and support the communities where we live and work, by providing funds to local grassroots organisations.  

Unfortunately, we had a poor safety performance in the last three months of the year with a number of injuries and incidents occurring. One injury is too many so we all need to remember to be relentless in our focus and commitment to keeping our people safe. The new year is a good time to re-set our safety focus, ensuring that we take care of ourselves and one another in every task we undertake.  

As part of our commitment to safety, we have also commenced the rollout of Driver Fatigue and Distraction Monitoring (DFDM) technology in our light vehicles and buses, as a proactive measure to reduce the risk of fatigue related incidents. The systems use AI technology and gives drivers real time in-cab alerts for ‘micro-sleeps’ or distractions, and are another way we are managing and eliminating safety risks.  

Enjoy this edition of The Fix and please remember, as always, to keep yourself and others safe.  



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Fighting fires
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