A message from Nick Raffan, July '23

Leadership Updates
2 Minute Read

We’ve kicked off the start of the 2024 financial year in the same fashion as we ended last financial year, with all areas busy executing a broad range of multidisciplined work across our operations. Within the month, we mobilised to site for the Flying Fish project for Fortescue Metals Group, identified an innovative new solution to support our business’ marine team on the wharf at Cape Lambert (think zip lining), continued to progress a solution that improves driver safety, as well as achieved 100 per cent completion of our performance plans across our entire salary workforce.

As I’ve said before, safety is our number one priority and unfortunately after a good run, we’ve had two recent recordable injuries. One was caused by elastic energy being released from a hydraulic line which resulted in a line of fire injury to someone’s hand and the other was caused by an employee bumping their elbow on a protruding scaffold component. Both injuries were avoidable so please continue to identify and mitigate the risks associated with each task before and during the task. We want everyone to get home safe and healthy at the end of each shift.

Given it’s a new financial year, I will be bringing our teams together in early August (in person or online) to discuss our 2024 Strategy which focuses on People, Performance and Reputation. Our Strategy ensures we’re all on the same page with regards to what we’re trying to achieve and, as a result, that we’re able to focus our efforts on the right things. At the highest level, this means we’re targeting the right work, offering the right services to our customers, and accessing the right people at the right time in order to achieve long-term, sustainable growth.

One of our previous strategic initiatives was our Supervisor Passport, which was designed to support and develop our infield leaders. Our Supervisor Passport was rolled out in March last year and has been a great success with over 20 supervisors completing the program to date and almost 80 additional supervisors currently enrolled. Congratulations to everyone who has completed the Supervisor Passport so far, including Steven and Sam pictured below:

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Supervisor, Steven Murray, being handed his completion award.

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Supervisor, Sam Winfield, being handed his completion award by his Project Manager, Nicholas Sabbatino.

On the back of the success of our Supervisor Passport, we've now also started developing a HSE Advisor Passport – watch this space for updates.

Before I sign off, I want to thank each member of our team for all your hard work, dedication, and commitment for last financial year. Keep up the good work and, most importantly, look after yourself and your mates.

Nick Raffan - Sign off


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