Car dumpers, like you've never seen them before

Projects WA Pilbara
1 Minute Read

Have you ever wondered what it takes to keep the cogs of the iron ore train moving 24 hours a day, seven days a week? Well, we’ve got you covered in our recent project video capturing just that!

The term “practice makes perfect” comes to mind with this project as we close out our third car dumper maintenance project at Nelson Point, Port Hedland.

A project like this is exciting to deliver as there are hundreds of people working on this project each day, all with the goal of extending the life of the car dumper.

This time we used the SPMT’s based on learnings from previous alike projects. By using the SPMT’s it streamlined the project and allowed the car dumpers to be moved to a larger works area for the project.

We spoke to the team about the project delivery and methodology with a step-by step breakdown, check it out now.  

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