Mobilising for success

Projects EC
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Situated 130 kilometres northwest of Barrow Island, the Jansz-Io field is at the heart of Chevron’s Greater Gorgon development, ensuring a steady gas supply to the Gorgon LNG Plant.  

The overall project focus is to extend the field's life and maximise reservoir recovery. This endeavour encompasses undertakings such as subsea compression systems, an offshore Field Control Station, and extensive enhancements on nearby Barrow Island (BWI). 

With the team tasked to complete the electrical and instrumentation (E&I) works, we decided to have a chat with Project Manager Ian Turner, who is spearheading the project about the significance of the work and what the team will be doing.  

“The scope of work on Barrow Island is multifaceted, involving the delivery of power and communications infrastructure from the Gorgon LNG Plant to the BWI shoreline,” Ian said. 

“This includes the implementation of electrical power and control facilities, cable installation, and compliance with quarantine protocols to safeguard the island's unique biodiversity. 

“Under the Monadelphous contact, the Above Ground Installation (AGI) includes multidisciplinary services required to support the installation, new switchrooms and modification of existing rooms, including modifications to the 132kV infrastructure, support power, control communications facilities. 

“We will be drawing on the services of our Heavy Lift team to provide 250t and 700t cranes later in 2024 and the project is expected to be completed by the end of 2025.” 

Commencing on 6th November 2023, our journey has been marked by major mobilisations of plant and equipment and white- and blue-collar mobilisations in the month of January, setting the stage for project completion in late 2025. 

Ian expressed his thanks to the team for mobilising to site in a safe and efficient manner.   

"Our mobilisation process has been meticulously planned to ensure seamless progress throughout the project due to the dedication and expertise of our team,” Ian said. 

The initial scope encompasses high-voltage (HV) upgrades to existing 132kV and 6.6kV infrastructure, featuring the installation of a 132kV switchroom Extension and pre-commissioning of Gas Insulated switchgear.  

Furthermore, the project entails the deployment of a new 6.6kV switchroom with auxiliary transformers and a diesel black start generator, alongside upgrades to an existing 6.6KV switchroom. 

As we transition into the latter half of 2024, our focus shifts towards a greenfield environment within the SCUB area. The SCUB are consists of a 62x18m one-piece switchroom that will be delivered by sea from Newcastle NSW and installed directly on to its structural support witch SPMTs (self-propelled modular trains). Here, we're laying the groundwork for the power supply hub for Jansz offshore facilities. With meticulous planning and execution, we're ready to tackle the installation of vital infrastructure, including transformers and power conditioning switchrooms. 

Every milestone achieved at the Jansz-Io project site is a testament to our collective dedication and expertise.  

Thank you to everyone involved and we look forward to sharing more updates as the project progresses. 

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