Refurbishing dolphins at Gove

Projects NT
1 Minute Read

Our maintenance and industrial services team has been busy refurbishing ‘dolphins’ at the Port of Gove in the Northern Territory – not the kind you might see swimming in the ocean, but the manufactured berthing and mooring structure that extends above the water level in many ports. 

Our Superintendent, John Gscheidle, said our team had been working hard to refurbish the structures as they had corroded and were at risk of falling into the ocean. 

“The structures are at a point with corrosion where we are repairing them by cutting parts of the structure and replacing them, then welding any cracks and removing any rust,” he said. 

“We’re currently undertaking descaling and a blast on the structure to make it easier for us to work with, and then we can complete more assessments to ensure we have captured all defects.” 

Currently our team is working on refurbishing four dolphins at the port and expects the project to run through to April 2023. 

“We haven’t done this kind of work here in the Northern Territory before, so it’s great to be able to diversify and help our customer to continue be able to ship their mining product,” John said. 

“If we continue to deliver on this project, it almost certainly allows us to take on more work of this nature and I have confidence in the team to pull it off. 

“We’ve had some fantastic people on this job and it’s a credit to them that we’ve been able to deliver safely and to a high-quality so far.”  

Well done team on a great job so far, we look forward to hearing and sharing more about the project as it progresses. 

Refurbishing dolphins at Gove

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A message from Christer Hansen, Dec '22
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