EC Teamwork Baton Awards

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This month, Engineering Construction Executive General Manager Adam Cook proudly awarded the inaugural EC Teamwork Baton recognition awards to the team at Kathleen Valley in July and the Gap Ridge Project team in August, for their exceptional displays of teamwork and achievement.

The Baton is awarded to teams displaying outstanding collaboration within and across business units to deliver superior results to our customers and outcomes for the business.

Congratulations to the winners for being nominated and recognised for their achievements!

July 2024 – Kathleen Valley

Around The Sites August3
Adam Cook presents the EC Teamwork Baton to representatives of the Kathleen Valley team.

The success of the Kathleen Valley project shows how teamwork can lead to remarkable results. At peak, close to 500 personnel worked together on the site to get the job done to the highest quality.

Adam said collaboration across the business units of Inteforge, EC Projects and Heavy Lift within the individual teams was key to the project's success.

"Starting with Inteforge's fabrication contract, our team's collective effort and unwavering commitment led to the subsequent awards of the early planning (ECI), piping isometrics, supply and fabrication, the SAG Mill install and the remaining wet plant SMPE&I scope - four separable portion contracts within just five months."

The tight site footprint required the team to carefully coordinate the installation sequences and to ensure that each discipline did not impact the progress of another in critical areas. This required teamwork from all involved to maximise preassembly, maintain safe progress, execute in an environment of constant simultaneous operations, and deliver progressive handovers to commissioning.

An outstanding outcome for our client, Monadelphous and EC, so well done to all involved!


August 2024 - Gap Ridge 

Around The Sites August4

John Collings, Jade Low and representatives from the Gap Ridge Project team receive the award on site at the official site opening on 22 August.

The recently opened Gap Ridge facility in Karratha, Western Australia, is the product of more than 10 years of effort from land acquisition, stakeholder engagement, design, redesign, tender, award, build and commission.

The process involved people from Group, across M&IS and EC with multiple business units co-locating in the facility.  John Collings' stewardship, supported by the collaboration from the representatives from the stakeholder groups, has led to a wonderful outcome.

Adam said the team's perseverance in driving this project forward and collaboration across all company divisions is a great example of teamwork.

This was celebrated at the Gap Ridge facility launch on 22 August when representatives were awarded the EC Teamwork baton for August 2024.

"Congratulations on your dedication, perseverance and teamwork in delivering this strategic asset and being part of a historic moment for Monadelphous."



To nominate your team for the next award, complete the form.

The criteria for the Teamwork Baton recognition award are:

  • Teamwork - working together in day-to-day operations, assisting and supporting others to achieve. 
  • Respect and inclusion - fostering an environment where all members feel respected and valued. 
  • Ready to learn and improve - being receptive to feedback and suggestions, demonstrating continuous improvement. 
  • Results - making a positive impact on our productivity, customer outcomes and/or the communities in which we operate.


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