Future work locked in for Lihir, PNG

Projects PNG
1 Minute Read

In an impressive collaborative effort, Monadelphous teams have worked together across business units to secure a major contract with Newcrest in Papua New Guinea, increasing our capability in this important geographic region.

With contributions from Monadelphous Electrical and Instrumentation and the Heavy Lift team, our M&IS East team took the lead on the submission. The teams celebrated the receipt of contract from Newcrest for SMPEI (Structural, Mechanical, Piping, Electrical, Instrumentation) works this week.

Operations Manager – Projects and Shutdowns, Martin Todman said the six-month project is set to commence immediately.

“The overall aim of the project is to increase the plant’s gold recovery by reducing losses through the flotation circuits.”

“The works involves the installation of flash flotation and upgrades to the primary cyclones on the High-Grade Ore One (HGO1) circuit. In order to complete, we anticipate we will require around 185 personnel at the peak of the execution phase,” he said.

In anticipation of the contract win, the Maintenance and Industrial Services team situated in Lihir have purchased a 220T crane for the purpose of servicing this project and future works in the local region. Over the course of the project, the team will be conducting the first large-scale dual lift in order to complete the installation of the HV/LV switch room.

General Manager, Maintenance and Industrial Services Eastern Region, Duane Oxford commended all who contributed to the contract win.

“It’s fantastic to see our teams working together internally to put forward a single comprehensive proposal for our customer. The win improves our position in the geographic region, as it enables us to develop a larger and more skilled local talent pool and increase our plant and equipment offering. I’m looking forward to seeing our footprint grow here in the long term.”

Congratulations to the winning teams involved in securing this awesome project.

We look forward to bringing you some project updates along the way!

Future work locked in for Lihir, PNG


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