Have you met Ruddy?

People WA
2 Minute Read

This month we caught up with Anthony Rudd, or more commonly known as Ruddy. A long-term Oil and Gas team member, who is well known and respected within the business and currently engaged with the WGAP contract on GWA at Brownfield Projects INLEC.

Ruddy commenced his career with Monadelphous over 10 years ago and during his time has been involved in a number of different and exciting projects and roles. Starting out at Barrow Island, Ruddy first worked for Monadelphous as an Electrical Inlec, maintaining the RO water plant and waste-water treatment plant. In 2018, he made the move offshore to Goodwyn Alpha, joining the projects crew to assist the coatings team for the Passive Fire Protection (PFP) project.

Today, Ruddy holds the position as electrical support for the core crew on the PFP project at Brownfield Projects INLEC, and explains what a typical day offshore looks like for him.

“Although no two days for me are ever the same, my typical day offshore always starts with the morning team meeting to discuss the day’s activities and safety topics and to understand if any electrical support is required to temporarily relocate any electrical items.

“During the day there’s usually a lot of permits that I need to review and or create, as well as work packs to look over for up-and-coming new work scopes. Currently, as well as the current PFP scope we have a new offshore crane to install and commission as well as a new generator control panel to upgrade,” he said.

The thrill of working offshore for the first time Ruddy believes is still a career highlight but reflects on another unique experience he had in 2004.

“Just after the tsunami’s hit Thailand in 2004, I went across to help in the clean up effort. It was devastating to see the aftermath but pitching in to help and do what I can, I definitely believe the whole experience made me a better person.”

Ruddy experienced his own devastation when his first daughter passed away from a sudden unexpected death of an infant. Wanting to turn their grief into something positive, Ruddy and his wife put an idea to council to build and all access playground for all kids, of all abilities.

“After a rollercoaster of emotions and designs, we managed to build a play space at Whiteman Park and named it after our daughter, Pia. Pia’s Play Space took us 11 years to get to final completion, but it was worth it, as the space was nominated and received high commendation for the Best Play Space award in 2020, by the Park and Leisure WA Awards of Excellence.

“The whole project is something that I am extremely proud of and am glad I could do it with my family” he said.

Although FIFO work means being away from family and spending nights away, when you are on your R&R it means good quality time spent with loved ones.

“During my time off I like to spend it with my wife and kids and work on my hobby which is a project car.

“The thing about working FIFO at Mono’s is even though I am away, it isn’t a big deal to me. I have a good crew, and enjoy the comradery between the lads, hey I may even consider them my second family!”

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