2022/23 Employee Survey – What you told us and what we’re doing

Leadership Updates
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Late last year, you were invited to participate in our 2022/23 Employee Survey regarding your employee experience at Monadelphous, the first company-wide survey we’ve undertaken in more than a decade.

We wanted to hear from as many of you as possible, so I was glad to see almost 2,000 people took the time to provide feedback through independent agency, Painted Dog Research, who we engaged to ensure the process remained anonymous.

Your feedback has now been combined and analysed in one report, which includes identifying common themes across Monadelphous, as well as at a divisional and business unit level, and discussed with our senior leaders.

I wanted to take this opportunity to share with you at a high level what you told us. This information will be used to guide us on what we need to do more of, and where we can improve. It will also be used as a benchmark for all future employee surveys.




  • 39 per cent of our workforce completed the survey, which was similar to our last employee survey – we will work hard to improve participation next time.
  • The majority of you are satisfied at Monadelphous – rating us 7.1 out of 10 on average – and would recommend Monadelphous as a place to work to others in our industry.
  • Three out of four people said they were unlikely to consider employment opportunities with another employer in the next 12 months, despite the extremely competitive labour market we are currently operating in.
  • Overall, these key metrics are aligned to what we had been hearing from you prior to the survey and confirm employee engagement and retention initiatives must remain a high priority for our business.


  • You told us we are unique as an employer because of our strong commitment to safety, access to blue chip customers, strong financial performance and ability to offer challenging and enjoyable work.
  • Almost 60 per cent of you said culture was one of the key factors you look for in a potential employer and almost 85 per cent of you said it was something we perform relatively well on – most of you would recommend Monadelphous as a great place to work because of our culture.
  • In terms of benefits, access to training, development and leadership programs was identified by all employees as one of the top five benefits provided by Monadelphous.


  • Although the majority of our team identified culture as a strong point, this is not the case for everyone, and it is something those people would like to see addressed.
  • In addition, you said you would like us to keep looking at remuneration to ensure we remain competitive and aligned to market conditions.
  • Other areas you wanted us to concentrate on included systems and processes, workplace flexibility, communication and rosters.


  • 95 per cent of our people know what is expected of them when it comes to acceptable workplace behaviour. 92 per cent of our people know where or who to report unacceptable workplace behaviour to if they ever experience or witness it. While these figures are promising, across Monadelphous, we would ideally like everyone to know what’s expected and where / who to report to.
  • Additionally, even though the number of people who had experienced unacceptable workplace behaviour at Monadelphous over the last five years was relatively low, there were still some instances, which is unacceptable.


To ensure we continue to work on the right areas, we have developed a list of employee survey commitments – these are the key priorities you identified through the survey process, and the areas we believe we can have the most impact from an employee experience perspective.

It’s important to note, these are our commitments at a Monadelphous Group level – our divisions and business units, including Mining and Minerals North West, will use this as a starting point, but will tailor their actions to suit their teams and circumstances. In addition, not every commitment outlined below will apply to every role, however I wanted to provide you with a holistic view.

Keep an eye out as we will be reaching out to a number of teams and team members along the way to help us shape the actions under each of our commitments.



We will continue to make our workplaces safe, respectful and inclusive for all employees.


We will review how workplace flexibility is working at Monadelphous and what we can do to ensure our people who need or want flexibility are clear on what’s available and how to access it.


We will review how we can better influence site-based rosters with our customers and which roles are required onsite when.


We will engage with our people to understand their desired career pathways and offer a well-rounded suite of training, development and leadership programs to support these aspirations.


We will improve how our people receive communications and engage with our senior leaders and each other, particularly for those located in remote and regional locations.

We will better promote upcoming work opportunities to ensure our people know what’s next for them at Monadelphous.

We will review our systems and processes to ensure our people are informed about changes to work circumstances as simply and quickly as possible (e.g. relating to changes in travel, rosters, jobs, roles, pay, etc.).


We will celebrate, recognise and reward our people and teams for living our values and culture.


We will continue to review our remuneration position to ensure it is competitive and aligned to market conditions.

We will enhance our remuneration processes to ensure they are well understood by our remuneration decision makers.


We will assess our employee benefits program, with a view to making it more attractive and accessible.


We will examine our onboarding processes, particularly for our FIFO and DIDO workforces, so our people have the best possible experience from day one.


We will be working hard to make progress on these commitments and will be providing regular updates along the way, so you can see and feel changes or improvements. We are also hoping to highlight some of the things we have already done in these areas, which perhaps we didn’t communicate at the time.

Your feedback is helping us to ensure our people have the best possible employee experience at Monadelphous, guiding us on what we need to do more of and identifying where we can improve. Thank you again for taking the time to share your experience.

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