Congratulations to our April Northern Star Achievement Award winner

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Congratulations to Robbie Ogle who was awarded the Northern Star Achievement Award for April. 

Robbie embodies Monadelphous values and has shown exceptional performance in the areas of people, performance and reputation, the criteria for the Northern Star Achievement Award. The North Star Achievement Award recognises sustained, exceptional performance and/or sig 

In 2023, after being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, Robbie bravely shared his personal experience to help increase awareness of diabetes and educate his colleagues on this important health topic. His willingness to be vulnerable led to the creation of a targeted toolbox topic that was widely shared internally and externally.  

The topic effectively communicated the signs, symptoms and what it means for people to live with either both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, as well as the risk factors for type 2 diabetes and what people can do to reduce their risk. It also provided guidance on how to respond and assist someone who may be having a hypoglycaemic or hyperglycaemic event. 

Within Robbie’s role at the Rio Tinto Parker Point workshop, he shows great enthusiasm and energy. His proactive collaboration with customers led to the successful replacement of a deteriorated shade sail, maintaining high-quality work standards. Robbie is always ready to take on additional tasks and support his colleagues in their priority projects, highlighting his commitment to outstanding performance and his dedication to successful delivery.  

Robbie's representation of the Monadelphous brand is not limited to his professional responsibilities. He was also acknowledged by the Rio Tinto Dampier Maintenance Manager for his contributions to site-wide rubbish clean-up activities. Beyond that, Robbie is an active and conscientious member of his local community. In December 2023, he and his wife devoted their time to preparing and serving meals with the Salvation Army for the Karratha community, showing his dedication to helping those in need. 

Robbie's dedication, enthusiasm, and resilience in overcoming obstacles make him a highly deserving recipient of the Northern Star Achievement Award. His actions not only meet but exceed the expectations of our Mining and Minerals North West team members, reflecting the Monadelphous’ values in every aspect of his work and life.  

Congratulations to Robbie for this well-earned recognition. 

The Fix May17

Nominees of the Northern Star Achievement Award are measured against the following attributes: 

  • Are energetic and enthusiastic about what they do. Their actions speak louder than their words (People) 
  • Are constantly looking for better, more efficient and effective ways of doing business, learning from events good or bad (Performance) 
  • Go beyond the expected norms, seek to exceed set targets and goals (Performance) 
  • Seeks solutions, to learn and to continually improve (Reputation) 
  • Display determination and tenacity when encountering obstacles and persist in overcoming them. They never give up. (Reputation) 

Congratulations to David, Alvin and all the recent nominees for your dedication.  

To nominate a team member based on the criteria above, click here.   

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