A message from Paul Francis, Apr '23

Leadership Updates
1 Minute Read

Welcome to your April edition of The Pipeline.    

Firstly, I am excited to share with you what is a really significant success story for our team – the awarding of two contracts at Albemarle Lithium’s operations in Kemerton. It is fantastic to be a part of the growing lithium sector in Western Australia and to continue to diversify our customer base, as we expand our presence in the South-West region. The five-year contracts, which are for maintenance services and sustaining capital projects and have two-year extension options, build on the strong relationship our Engineering Construction (EC) division developed with Albemarle through the construction phase of the Kemerton lithium hydroxide plant – a perfect example of our Teamwork value.    

Well done to everyone involved for your efforts in securing this contract, which you can read more about in this edition of The Pipeline.

Another success we celebrated recently was the awarding of the M&IS Teamwork Baton to the Custom Fleet team, who you would have read about in a previous newsletter.  Their strong team culture and commitment to delivering consistently is key to our long-standing relationship and ongoing work with the customer, which dates back to 2001.  

As mentioned in the last newsletter, I will also continue to share with you how we are working to address the feedback from the 2022/23 Employee Survey.  

At a Monadelphous Group level a number of commitments have now been made in areas that can have the most positive impact on employee experience – from here I will work with our teams on what actions we will take.  The key areas include respect, flexibility, career growth and training, communications, recognition, remuneration, benefits, rosters and onboarding. You can have a read through the Group-wide commitments in this edition of The Pipeline.  

Finally, in this edition of The Pipeline, meet Monadelphous long-termer and passionate cricketer Julianne Langley and find out how we supported Country Women’s Week.  

Happy reading and please stay safe and well.  


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