Ready, set, innovate!

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Looking for ways to innovate our everyday operations is something that can help make our jobs easier, safer and more efficient – every idea, whether it’s big or small, is welcome in our business.    

We encourage you to share your ideas via MProve, by emailing our innovation team or by speaking to your supervisor.    

Check out some of our team’s recent submissions for inspiration! Well done to everyone who submitted an idea and for thinking outside of the box. 

3D Printing - Castell Keys 

Who: Idea posted by Antony Mircev (Construction Management Graduate) and Asoka Wickramasuriya (Mechanical Resource Estimator) on behalf of our M&IS Energy team.  

Idea: While exploring potential applications of 3D printing at Karratha Gas Plant (KGP), a work order related to the Domestic Gas area was discovered and investigated. This work order involved replacing an entire sequence of locks at a cost of ~$25k due to a single snapped castell key. The work order was placed on hold after the team realised that 3D printing could provide a more cost-effective alternative.  


COST REDUCTION - By utilising 3D printing technology, a replacement key could be manfactured at a fraction of the lock replacement price.  

PRODUCTIVITY - The time to deliver a solution for the lock replacement work order went from 12 weeks to 3 days by 3D printing a new castell key. 

Current Status: Implemented - this initiative highlights how new technology such as 3D printing can be used to reduce costs throughout the business. 



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Our 2023 Full Year Results
Growing in the NT