Managing Director's BriefFrom Zoran Bebic
I am delighted to announce that we were presented with the prestigious West Australian Supplier of the Year Award during the Rio Tinto 2024 Supplier Recognition Awards Gala in Perth.
Initially nominated as a finalist in the Innovation category, and following our recognition in 2023 as a finalist in the Health and Safety category, we were very proud to take out this major award on the night.
This award recognises us as a highly valued partner, with a relationship dating back almost 30 years, and is a credit to all those who have worked on Rio Tinto’s development projects and operations across both our construction and maintenance divisions over the years.
I’d like to particularly acknowledge Nick Raffan’s team in the M&IS Mining and Minerals North West region, as this award is in recognition of your commitment and significant efforts in supporting our key customer, Rio Tinto.
Rio Tinto partners with around 2500 suppliers in Western Australia alone, so to be celebrated as their top Western Australian supplier is an incredible achievement. We talk a lot about collaboration and this award is a great example of working together to leverage the knowledge, capability and skills of our collective teams to achieve better and safer outcomes for all.
Personally, I am very proud to receive this recognition of the Monadelphous team. This is a testament to your commitment, support and delivering what we promise to our customers each and every day.
Congratulations everyone, for this well deserved accolade from our long-term customer, Rio Tinto.
Together we deliver!
Simon Trott (Rio Tinto - CEO Iron Ore), Zoran Bebic, Brian Honti, The Hon Roger Cook, Nick Raffan and Alastair Reid (L to R )
Nick Raffan, Brian Honti, Zoran Bebic, Richard Cohen (Rio Tinto) and Alastair Reid (L to R)
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