Prelude Turnaround

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The recent turnaround on the Prelude FLNG facility was the first of its kind in the world, involving a huge effort in both preparation and execution by the Monadelphous team. 

The facility, located 475km North-Northeast of Broome, conducted its first significant shutdown to execute maintenance during Q3-Q4 2023. 

Project Manager Jamie Simpson shared some insights from the turnaround, highlighting the challenges faced and lessons learned during this huge endeavour. 

"Prelude itself is quite unique – not only was it the first FLNG facility in the world, it is also the largest ship in the world,” he said. 

“At 488m long, 74m wide and 105m tall, if you stood Prelude on its end, it rivals the Taipei 101 in height.” 

Meticulous planning over approximately three years helped to pave the way for a successful execution. 

He said that a dedicated team of approximately 590 personnel from Monadelphous and our subcontractor partners navigated extensive logistical challenges over 90 days. 

"Our team did an exceptional job and put in a commendable effort to successfully complete this turnaround with solid safety performance,” Jamie said. 

With this turnaround being unprecedented, there were numerous lessons to be learnt along the way. 

"There were more than 900 learnings captured throughout, with an emphasis on adaptability and a deepened understanding of the facility’s intricacies,” Jamie said. 

“Following successful completion, we can now take all lessons learnt and practices worth replicating on board to develop and grow for the next one. 

“An earlier pitstop executed in Q4 2022 liquidated critical scopes that couldn't be deferred to TA2023 (Turnaround 2023) with the lessons learned from this event being incorporated into our planning exercise for TA23.” 

The next turnaround is slated for 2026, adhering to the industry norm of a four-year cycle. 

The Prelude FLNG facility turnaround, the largest in terms of both person hours and duration for Mondalephous, is a story of perseverance and collaboration, setting a new benchmark. As we celebrate this historic achievement, anticipation builds for the continued success of this pioneering facility in the years to come. 

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Insulation crew members - reinstating Cryogenic Insulation on the main LNG rundown valve (UXV-2481) after in-situ internal rebuild.
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Flotel Triumph - ASV (Accommodation Service Vessel) on the Port side of Prelude. 95% of the time the ASV was connected on the Aft (back) of Prelude. ASV had 550 beds and was 5 levels.
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Insulation crew members - Flare Tip heat shield installation. This was discovery scope, unplanned. Thermal heat impacted steam ring, welded joint degradation.
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Helo on the helideck of ASV. 14 PAX per trip. Up to 5 transfers per day during the peak execution phase.
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Scaffold crew on Flare Tip.


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