A message from Paul Francis, July '23

Leadership Updates
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With international travel back on the cards, I've spent the last couple of weeks in the UK visiting my family who I haven’t seen since 2018 – a long overdue trip. I’m now back in action and ready to start the 2024 financial year with a bang.

Firstly, congratulations to our team in Roxby Downs who secured a two-year extension to our existing maintenance services contract at BHP’s Olympic Dam operations. The scope includes mechanical and electrical maintenance, shutdown and project services. Additionally, I’m excited to confirm Monadelphous has secured some big construction packages of work recently, including a construction contract at Albemarle’s Kemerton lithium hydroxide plant in the south west where we have long-term maintenance and sustaining capital projects contracts.

On the safety front, we had one safety incident in July resulting in a fractured thumb, on the back of four safety incidents in June requiring first aid or medical treatment. As was the case last month, this month’s injury could have been avoided by adequately risk assessing before and during the task. Hand and finger injuries remain the number one injury requiring medical attention across our business unit (we’ve had 16 since July 2022), and is something I ask that each and every one of you focus on in the months ahead.

Additionally, you may have seen we are rolling out a Fatal Risk Control Campaign which will run over the next 12 months, aiming to strengthen our approach to controlling potentially fatal risks within our workplaces. Across our sites, you will be provided with a series of resources and activities to help ensure you, our people, make it home safely at the end of each day and swing. Please take the time to get involved.  

Finally, you told us workplace culture was extremely important to you in our 2022 Employee Survey (which I wholeheartedly understand and support). With this in mind, I wanted to better celebrate our people who display behaviours that align to our culture in a more formal way. I am excited to officially launch Monos Moments, a reward and recognition program shining the light on our team members who live and breathe our values. You can nominate a team or teammate who has displayed an action, big or small, by clicking here. (There are awards in store for the best nominations on a monthly basis.)

Until next month, stay safe.


Paul Francis - Sign off


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